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E-sword is an application with all the features that makes studying the Bible in depth easy and rewarding. It contains complete biblical texts in multiple translations and original languages, as well as related comments and dictionaries to help with It Works. The e-sword application offers everything you need to study the Bible as carefully as you want. It is easy to compare different translations side by side for a parallel study with integrated and complete tools to explain and clarify individual sections and sentences. The simple but effective search function facilitates the approach of the material you need, while the texts of the Bible are backed by extensive comments and reference material along with a selection of relevant oral sermons. The application also includes an integrated editor that facilitates the creation of reference studies and review comments or (function () {(‘review-app-page-desktop’);}); Why use electronic swords? Once again interested in taking your Bible study to the next level, e-sword gives you access to multiple translations to easily compare the text with individual chapters and verses, as well as original texts for reference in ancient Greek and Hebrew. The richness of the support material means that even the darkest points are clearly presented.

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